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"Good design must be defined by appropriateness
to audience goals, and by its effectiveness"
Drew Davies
I've included a small selection of the projects I've produced for my clients. These don't show the complete breadth of my capabilities, or the work I've completed, as some projects are for my clients' internal use and contain commercially sensitive data or functionality which I am unable to show here.
Edinburgh Trusted Trader was commissioned by The City of Edinburgh Council to provide a list of Trading Standards approved businesses for the people of Edinburgh and the surrounding area. Each business is fully vetted by Edinburgh Trading Standards which includes police checks and a site visit.
A large part of the website is the Administration area where each application goes through a number of approval stages and the council employees can log-in and advance an application to the next stage. They can also add notes and modify an application with a full history log in case of a query at some point in the future.
My Local Services wanted to develop an online business database for companies to promote themselves and for consumers to easily find business information.
The biggest challenge was incorporating the database of over 1.5 million companies which needed to be instantly searchable by many visitors at the same time. I first presented a proof of concept so our client could see the database in action and the speed of the searches. This was followed up by the site-build and the online application forms and payment gateway.
The site now includes APIs so listings' providers can connect to add or modify listings from their own software.

Their Administration portal also allows the staff to modify the room descriptions and costs as well as highlight text for offers etc. On this occasion I didn't provide a full WYSIWYG HTML editor (similar to a cut-down version of a word processor on a web page where you can format text etc.) in order to keep the site administration simple, quick and effective.

I created applications for both Windows and Mac where the user could search for music using genres, keywords, tempo and musical styles. The application needed to mimic Audio Network's website and also be multi-language (including Japanese).
Each month, Audio Network update their database (using an app I created for them) and distribute it along with any new audio files to their clients.